About Us

I recently quit my 6-figure corporate job to go full-time into business. The business I'm launching is called SnackDial.

I initially had the idea for SnackDial around the time of the first covid lockdown, when I developed a habit of buying yogurt on grocery store runs.

Oftentimes, however, the grocery store was out of stock of the flavor and style of yogurt that I wanted.

What if I didn't have to rely on the grocery store to have the flavor and style of yogurt I desired? It would be great, I thought, if I could design my own batch of yogurt and have that delivered instead.

I pondered the idea for several months but didn't take any action. It wasn't until I heard Harvard longevity researcher Dr. David Sinclair mention on a podcast that he mixes Resveratrol (a longevity supplement) with his yogurt. My interest in the idea was renewed. Not only could yogurt be more personalized, but it could also be a medium for longevity and wellness supplements. This realization led me to research more about yogurt, and I discovered the gut and health benefits of consuming yogurt regularly. From there, I started to build out the web application for SnackDial.

I wanted a higher level of customization, so traditional e-commerce stores like Shopify couldn't suffice, and I started building the SnackDial web application from scratch.

While building SnackDial, another idea popped into my head: what if other people could sell their snacks on SnackDial?

While there are apps that let you buy meals from restaurants and apps that let you buy home-cooked meals, there isn't really anything that's exclusively for locally made snacks.

Maybe that's because we always buy snacks at the grocery store, usually from a well-known brand. But what if it was easy to buy fresh, locally made snacks? You might be more willing to buy locally made snacks in that case. And once you realize that locally made snacks taste better and leave you feeling better than highly processed snacks, you might want to purchase them more frequently.

Just like the initial idea for SnackDial (personalized yogurt batches), I sat on this for a while before deciding to take any action. As I was touring a kitchen in Los Angeles, something happened that changed my mind. I met a food entrepreneur at the kitchen who offered me a smoothie sample, and I was blown away by the quality and taste of it.

Clear smoothie by Polar Bear Kitchen (the exact sample I was given)

I decided that it was worth it to make SnackDial into a platform where vendors could sell their own snacks. The great thing about turning SnackDial into a platform is that while it's fundamentally different from the original idea, it doesn't conflict with it. Meaning, I can still pursue the idea for personalized yogurt batches as a vendor on SnackDial. It's either an overly complicated and confusing strategy or brilliant. Time will tell.

If you interested in buying locally made snacks in the LA area, please visit snackdial.com and leave your email address to get 25% off your first order. If you're interested in selling snack batches, please visit snackdial.com/partner. Any other feedback, questions, or ideas on the concept and the product are very much appreciated! Thank you for reading.

- Kenny Kandola
© 2024 Snackdial Inc.